Sunny Coast Health and Fitness

Sunny Coast Health and Fitness
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Thursday 3 December 2015

AnnaG Lifestyle: They Are Your Reason... Not Your Excuse.

When you become a parent, everyone lines up to give you advice. It is thrown at you from every direction... Your mum, aunt, in-laws, friends, the neighbour, even complete strangers! Although it can be frustrating at times, this is a way for your loved ones to show they care about you, and your success as a parent. I am no different. As a mum to three young boys, i find myself in the 'well intentioned mum, trying to share from personal experience' category. Now you may wonder if I am about you give you a pregnancy workout, or maybe some fun things to do to keep your kids active, but ill save that for another day. I’m here to talk to the mums out there about your happiness, wellbeing and making time to look after number one... (That’s you lady!)

It's all too easy as a parent to get swept up in day to day life, you find yourself getting put behind kids, partners, friends and a to-do list 4 miles long (If you have any time left at all that is). We don’t seem to get much advice about how to prepare our bodies or minds for the transition into parenthood, and sometimes along the way we get a little lost. We might eat junk while we are on the go, or forget to eat at all, we can’t seem to make time to go to the gym and our stress levels seem to be always higher than normal. Let’s face it; it seems easy to make parenthood your excuse, instead of making it your reason.

When life seems so hectic that we can’t find time to look after ourselves, that is when we need to STOP! Take a moment and realise that no one is more important than you. Think about it, as a parent, how will your children function and grow into wonderful humans when you are running on empty? What child wants to have an unhappy parent? One that seems tired, frustrated or even uncomfortable in their own skin? Someone who never has time? I don’t think any wish for those things.

Taking care of yourself should be your number one priority. When children see a happy healthy parent... Magic happens! You model habits to your child, whether it’s food or exercise related, even the way you talk to people. Children see everything. We all know the age-old saying that they are sponges. So make the time to exercise, to feel good, to prepare healthy meals, to smile and laugh with your children or even just with yourself. If you happen to get a smoking hot body along the way, well done! But more importantly, if you get some extra energy, a big tick of health and a whole lot of fun play with your children, then making yourself your number one priority really was worth it. Don’t you think?

Here are a few tips from AnnaG:

Just breathe –I’m talking about taking 5 minutes a day to just be with yourself! A moment of relaxation, of freedom from the world. So, I challenge you to find a space where you can be left alone and close your eyes and just breath – deep, calming breaths. Try this every day and see how refreshed you feel.

Stay active. Keep your body moving – not just for the physical benefits but for the mental ones too! There are so many things you can do at home if you think outside the box. Pick up a ball and have a kick with your little ones. Lunge down the hallway. Buy a skipping rope. Do step-ups when you are watching the kids or even talking on the phone. Get moving, you will be surprised at how good you feel with as little as 20 minutes a day exercise.

Fuel your body with nutrient dense food. Value yourself enough to take care of your body, it is the only one you have after all. Eat good food, make healthy choices, treat yourself once in a while– we all have to live and lets be honest, food should be enjoyed! With moderation of course ☺

For more wellbeing tips, motivation and even some inspiration follow me:

Instagram: @annag_lifestyle

Facebook: AnnaG Lifestyle.

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