Sunny Coast Health and Fitness

Sunny Coast Health and Fitness
Information. Inspiration. Community

Monday 22 May 2017

GUEST BLOG: Health Is Your Most Precious Gift

Take a deep breath – fill your lungs with air… breathe out, wiggle your toes, your fingers.. open and close your eyes, speak, stand up, walk to the door… open it…. breathe again, take in that fresh air… take in life, take in your most precious gift – you are alive, you can move and you have your health. A fragile, precious gift that you so very often take for granted, until you don’t have it.
Every day so many less fortunate fight the daily battle to do the things that we take for granted. They battle for their breath, they fight to move their limbs, to open their eyes, to move their body, or to be able to express themselves.

Without our health we have nothing – It really is our true wealth.
You don’t think so? Then try living without it, try living with the daily battles of a terminal illness, or a life adjusting injury or disease, then tell me that it is not important.

My journey to health and fitness gave me a brief glimpse into the world of the loss of health and the threat of not being here to live this journey that I am eternally grateful to be on.
HELLP syndrome was my brush with this feeling. It is a rare complication that occurs in less than 1% of pregnancies. (so I have not given up hope on getting that winning lotto ticket). Broken down this syndrome is:
H – Haemolysis (break down of blood cells)
EL – Elevated Liver Enzymes
LP – Low Platelet count

It is the next step on from preeclampsia – a more common complication. I had a lot of fluid throughout the pregnancy, one hospital admission with a very high blood pressure reading and within 24 hours of being released I woke to pains that I tried to ignore as it was too early for my baby to be out into the world. I have never been a big fan of exaggerating pain so I quietly went about the house trying not to wake anyone.

Then the breathing became irregular and more and more difficult so I calmly suggested to my partner at the time that it may be time to ring the hospital and just check in – my bubs still needed cooking time at 34 weeks and premature lungs I was starting to get worried, and scared as a million possibilities of what was happening ran through my head.

A trip to the hospital followed, with each breath getting more and more difficult I rode the elevator up to the maternity ward and was very quickly attended to by the staff. So with a partially collapsed lung and blood pressure through the roof the whirlwind began – my drug free, natural birth, became an emergency Caesar to save my life – a malfunctioning liver, collapsed lung and extremely low blood count with very few platelets, the faces surrounding me said that things were not looking great for me at this stage. I clearly remember asking the staff to please, no matter what lay ahead for me, save my baby! This was my real first experience of unconditional mothers love and sacrifice as I was wheeled into emergency surgery.

The rest was quite a blur until I heard those lungs let out a cry… Tears of joy streaming down my face as my world was now complete. A scream meant that those tiny lungs were working. It meant life! It meant my precious one had made the very early journey into the world – and at 3 pounds 15 his battle for life had begun.

My journey had just begun too… 24 hour round the clock care, blood tests on the hour, diminished liver function, bruising from lack of platelets from chest to thighs, I lay only thinking of my tiny bubs, and having that first connection of touch. Instead I was forced to focus on building my strength while the angels of nurses in the special care unit took care of my little superhero. Both of our fights to recover had begun, one moment, one hour, one day at a time. 

Lessons in life to not sweat the small stuff and truly be grateful for good health were embedded! Every day I am grateful that my health returned to normal levels in my blood and liver within 6 weeks. The human body can be so amazing in it’s ability to heal and repair. I know how lucky I am to have life, both mine and my beautiful baby boy! I am so grateful to have been given a second chance, when so many others don’t get that opportunity.

Every day there are many others fighting with everything that they have just to make it through the day. I know they would give anything to have the health that so many of us take for granted. You see it in friends, family, loved ones who are currently battling, or have sadly lost their fight – they view life as we all should, with gratitude, hope, love, and courage!

So when people ask why I take on the physical challenges that I do “my why” and answer is simple – I do it for those who can’t. I do it for those that we have lost. I do it to honour them, and for those still fighting! To use every bit of my health for as long as I can to help their battles in any way that I can!
Our Health is our Wealth – so please don’t waste the precious gift that you have been given and take care of yourself, in every way. It can all be gone in an instant so always remember this is not a rehearsal, we only get one chance at this thing called life.

For those superheroes reading that are fighting the toughest of battles. The true warriors! You inspire and amaze all of us daily with your courage, strength and bravery. Although we can not help you physically battle on, please know that we are here for you, we will fight the fight for research, for treatments, for cures, for care, and to support you in any way that we can.

If you are fortunate and blessed enough to have your health, how are you choosing to use it? Comment below or Click to contact us and make the most of this precious gift that we so often take for granted.

Kirsty Levy
Instagram: @mumfitnessadventure

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