Sunny Coast Health and Fitness

Sunny Coast Health and Fitness
Information. Inspiration. Community

Monday 24 October 2016

Sunshine Coast Dietetics (SCD): Carbs

Carbs get a bad wrap – pun intended.

This is the sad truth because the world we live in would be a far happier place if we could all embrace glorious carbohydrates as they are. In all their hearty, doughy, grainy glory.

Carbs are one of the main three macro-nutrients that provide us with energy to sustain life. Some would argue that carbs are the most important macro as they are the preferred energy source for our bodies over proteins and fats. They are so important that we recommend that 45-60% of your total energy intake comes from carbs.

Before we all go celebrate the good news with pasta and garlic bread, let’s first understand that not all carbs are created equal.

You may have heard of the scale ‘the glycaemic index’.

To put it simply – carbohydrate rich foods with a low glycaemic index, or GI, will be released into the blood stream as energy at a slower and more sustained rate than foods with a higher GI. Foods that have a higher GI are typically foods that give that sugar spike and crash that we are all familiar with.

Some examples of low GI foods include: beans, lentils, some fruits (pears, berries, grape fruit) and wholemeal pastas and breads. High GI foods include: some fruits (dried fruit in particular), some white breads and some white potatoes.

It’s not recommended to exclude high GI foods, rather enjoy them in moderation with a focus on an intake of low and moderate GI foods.

So here is the short list on why we love carbs and shouldn’t be afraid of them:
1.    They are our body’s main source of energy – for literally everything. Our muscles, our brain and everything in between.
2.    They don’t make you gain weight – this myth has been busted by several studies. Enjoy your carbs as part of a balanced diet and you will be sweet (pun).
3.    They can even help you lose weight – enjoy high fibre, low GI carbs that will help you feeling fuller for longer. Legumes, beans and whole grains should be your new besties.
4.    They are full of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients – iron, B vitamins and dietary fibre. Win.

The Sunshine Coast Dietetics Team
Snapchat: @dietitianlife

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