Sunny Coast Health and Fitness

Sunny Coast Health and Fitness
Information. Inspiration. Community

Friday, 15 January 2016

Jamie Milne Training: The Precision Effect

The Precision Effect: NOUN- A spreading effect or series of benefits or consequences caused by a single action or event.

Historically over my 12 year journey as a fitness professional, I can confidently claim, as humans we are a direct reflection of our daily habits or rituals. This is the common thread. These habits we repeatedly perform over time can be either good healthy rituals promoting wellness or poor bad choices repeated to our detriment.

Consider an overweight individual who is hungry for change. Claims that the mostly "clean" eating lifestyle he promotes isn't really working for him, his 129kg frame is unfortunately due to poor genetics, big bones, and the dash of milk in his English Breakfast tea (apprently). It has zero to do with the repeated poor food choices, unfortunate lack of education with nutrition, and the inability to stay active for more then 2-3 days.

On the polar opposite side of the scale, we have an immensely toned "Strong is the new sexy", active-wear loving, tanned brunette bombshell basking in the sun down at Buddina beach. She reflects daily habits of clean eating, low stress levels, adequate sleep and regular training.

For the record, both these people are make believe.

The very short of the long is, we are what we repeatedly do.

As we know, the benefits of exercise and mindful, balanced eating are very well-known and diverse. Google any type of training plan, diet, super food, or running program and you've got a mass of self-appointed gurus patting themselves on the back and promoting their wears. There is so much out there, it truly is consumers market. The choices are unlimited, cutting violently at our lame excuses.

The magnitude of benefits from repeated healthy choices are, in my opinion, not given the justice they deserve. The profound and beautiful way in which health transfers in to everyday life is powerful, massive and unsurpassed.

Consider a pebble. If we cast this simple, uncomplicated pebble into a deep, calm, and inviting pond we get ripples. This one pebble causes momentum, driven waves rushing from the exact point of "sploosh" to the extremity of the pond. Just like in life.

This is an example of the value and power of The Precision Effect.

A little bit of something is better then a whole lot of nothing. Cast small pebbles to start. Things like ditching bread, lessening your diary intake, walking more, driving less, resting frequently, drinking water (and lots of it), joining a gym or meditating and getting your 'zen' on are great pebbles to cast into your own personal pond... A fit and healthy life is a very happy life.

The spreading effect of these actions have benefits that transfer into all aspects and facets of your life. Can you imagine actually being in control of your weight? No more trouser squeezes, sweaty dinner moments, awkward bedtime sleeping noises, and the important issue of adverse health conditions and diseases.

You would have more sound and restful sleep, increased energy levels with an ability to perform at a high level well into the afternoon without the aid of a sugar free V drink, or quarter strength soy decaf latte with a gluten free blueberry and white chocolate muffin. SEX!!! Now that i have your attention, if you want to put some fire back into your sex life, pour some petrol on intimacy by making health a priority.

These are just some of the positive by-products of the precision effect, instantly accessible to YOU just by making small and subtle shifts in your daily habits or rituals.

The take home learning from "The Precision Effect" is that we are what we repeatedly do. Make your health a priority! If we don't have our health we have absolutely NOTHING!!!!

Jamie Milne Training
Instagram: JamieMilneTraining

1 comment:

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